About the Collection
SVA has a rich history of exhibitions, both by professional and student artists. SVA’s early exhibition history is populated by an incredible roster of professional artists, many of whom were faculty at the College, including Eva Hesse, Sol LeWitt, Lucy Lippard, and Brice Marden. Beginning in the 1970s, student exhibitions were held at SVA-operated galleries in Tribeca and then SoHo; these shows stand today as some of the earliest instances of a college presenting student work within a thriving gallery scene. Professional exhibition highlights include the conceptual-art milestone “Working drawings and other visible things on paper not necessarily meant to be viewed as art” (1966); “Line” (1976), in which neon sculpture by Stephen Antonakos shared space with a Cy Twombly drawing and a Gordon Matta-Clark photographic collage; “Performance Spaces” (1972), in which Bill Beckley was seen singing while doing push-ups and, in a separate video, Dennis Oppenheim munched on a gingerbread man; and “Sculptural Density” (1981), featuring work by Carl Andre, Nicholas Hondrogen, Martin Puryear, Joel Shapiro, Mia Westerlund, Tim Whiten and Jackie Winsor. Please contact the Archivist with questions regarding specific exhibitions.
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Collection guide
Visual Arts Gallery. The Landscape. 1966. Poster designed by Milton Glaser.
Visual Arts Museum. Four Los Angeles Artists. 1975.
O.K. Harris/Hundred Acres/Susan Caldwell. The School of Visual Arts on the Walls in Soho. 1976. Poster illustrated by Ron DiScenza.
Visual Arts Gallery. 65 Self-Portraits. 1965. Poster designed by Milton Glaser.
School of Visual Arts. Seventeen: Graphic Art from the Pages of Seventeen Magazine. 1958. Poster designed by George Tscherny.
Visual Arts Gallery. Working drawings and other visible things on paper not necessarily meant to be viewed as art. 1966. Poster designed by Milton Glaser.
Visual Arts Gallery. Erasable Structures. 1971. Poster designed by Cris Gianakos.
Visual Arts Museum. Andy Warhol: Drawings. 1976.
SVA Gallery (Tribeca Gallery), 260 West Broadway. Photograph by David Lubarsky. 1979.
SVA Gallery (Tribeca Gallery), 260 West Broadway. "Show Number Four" BFA Fine Arts student exhibition. Gary Sherman and Amy Sillman installation pictured. Photograph by David Lubarsky. 1979.
Visual Arts Museum. Paul Davis: Recent Paintings. 1979.
Visual Arts Museum. The Masters Series: Paul Rand. 1988.
Visual Arts Museum. Steinberg: An Intimate View of His Art and World. 2004.
Visual Arts Museum. Frank Stella: The Series Within a Series. 1978.
Visual Arts Gallery. Navajo Weaving: Blankets and Rugs from 1850 to the Present. 1972.
Visual Arts Gallery. Performance Spaces. 1972. Photograph from Dennis Oppenheim's "Parallel Stress", 1970.
Visual Arts Museum. Sol LeWitt: All Combinations of Arcs from Four Corners, Arcs from Four Sides, Straight Lines, Not-Straight Lines and Broken Lines. White Lines on a Black Wall. 1976.
Visual Arts Museum. Keith Haring: The SVA Years 1978-1980. 2000.
Visual Arts Gallery (137 Wooster St.). Late 1990s.