About the Collection
The Here Is New York Collection contains inventoried photographic prints from the exhibition of the same title, as well as unsorted test or study printings, a few original collages and photographs, press releases and clippings, business certificates and correspondence, legal documents, inventories, digital files, and miscellaneous media not directly related to the exhibition (magazines and videos presumably used for research). Series 1. This series contains a single set, in two boxes, of photographic prints that were first exhibited in Houston, Texas in 2002. The selection of 500 photographs represents one of many iterations of the Here Is New York exhibition. Each photograph is identified with a number which is indexed to photographer's name in the finding aid. Additional information, principally concerned with copyright but also often including contact information ca. 2005 can be found in two locations: digital spreadsheets (Series 5, Subseries B) and the original physical inventories (Series 5, Subseries A). Series 2. This series contains a single set, in two boxes, of photographic prints that were first exhibited in Bremen, Germany in 2002. The contents of the set are duplicates of those in series 1, with some omissions, and the additions as noted in the container list. Series 3. Here Is New York, Inc. referred to alternates and seconds as "study prints;" these may not have been considered "originals" in the sense of the prints that were exhibited and sold through the website. Composed of approximately 1000 prints, they are unidentified and unordered but represent significant overlap with the materials in Series 1. The fineness of their condition varies. Series 4. This series contains a small number of original photorgraphs in the form of both slides and chromogenic (non-inkjet) prints. This series also includes original art (e.g., collages) that was submitted to the project but was not exhibited. Series 5. Press coverage was studiously documented by Here Is New York, Inc.: this series contains clippings from local and international magazines and newspapers. They have been ordered in the same sequence they were received. Series 6. Internal files Subseries A: Business documents includes official correspondence, including the bylaws of the corporation, approval of non-profit status, letters referring to grants awarded to the project and the donations it received, as well as everyday correspondence (largely email print-outs) concerning administrative issues. This subseries is restricted. Subseries B. Digital files include medium-resolution scans for all of the photographs in series 1, though it is unclear if they include scans for all 4000 or so images that were accepted by Here Is New York and exhibited in the alternate exhibitions. Some data formats -- primarily for Microsoft Office applications -- are also included, in their original arrangement. In both cases, the data exist on original CDs and on a centralized data server, except one floppy disk for which we do not have mirrored data. Subseries C. In addition to the above materials, the donation also included magazines, clippings, VHS tapes and DVDs relating to the World Trade Center, the events of 11 September 2001, historical acts of similar scope, or exhibitions of similar character. “here is new york” was a seminal series of traveling exhibitions, which featured both amateur and professional photography relating to the World Trade Center attacks of September 11, 2001. Organized by Michael Shulan, Charles Traub, Gilles Peress, and Alice Rose George, the photographs were first collected and displayed in an informal exhibition in a SoHo storefront in the days immediately following the attacks. The "here is new york" collection includes a complete set of photographs from an exhibition, as well as the business documents, some correspondence, and background materials held by the corporation.
Sample images Current page
Collection guide
here is new york installation photograph
Photograph by Alex Webb
Photograph by Catherine Leuthold
Photograph by Charles Traub
Photograph by David Turnley
Photograph by Henry Leutwyler
here is new york installation photograph
here is new york gallery exterior photograph
Photograph by Jonathan Torgovnik
Photograph by Larry Towell
Photograph by Patrick Witty
Photograph by Sean Hemmerle
Photograph by Tony Savino